Connections Groups Sign-Up Form
Present Word | This group is a Sunday Morning Adult Discussion Group that meets during the Christian Education Hour that meets in Calvin 201 and on Zoom 2. The curriculum for the fall is titled, Worship in the Covenant Community. The lessons focus on leaders, songs and psalms from the Old Testament. Dennis Brewer and Jane Steinkraus serve as teachers for the class. |
Thoughtful Christians | This group is a Sunday Morning Adult Discussion Group that meets during the Christian Education Hour. The group is led by Rebecca Haden and Derrik Olsen. They meet in the Church Library and on Zoom 1. The group is discussing The Shaping of Things to Come: Innovation and Mission for the 21st-Century Church by Michael Frost & Alan Hirsch. |
Chancel Choir | All are welcome to join the choir! Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Contact Director of Music Ministry, Isaac Thomas for more information. |
Bells on the Hill | Our bell choir is full but director, Pam Gilbreath is always looking for substitutes. If you are interested, please contact her. Rehearsals are on Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m. |
Men’s Prayer Breakfast |
This group officially meets every Wednesday at 6:30 a.m. (all are usually seated by 6:15 a.m.) at the Village Inn for prayer, a devotion, and fellowship. Contact person: James Moore. |
Men’s Fellowship Lunch |
This group meets at noon on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Location varies. Contact people are Tom Verdery and Stewart Smith. |
PW Morning Bible Study |
This group will meet the second Tuesday of the month starting Sept. 10 in the church’s library (zoom connection available). We gather for fellowship at 9:45 am and start the lesson with announcements and prayer at 10 am. After the lesson, a group of ladies usually go to lunch. The study for the 2024-25 year will be Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation by Patricia K. Tull. Contact person is Barbara Verdery. |
PW Evening Bible Study |
The group meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:15 pm in members’ homes. They begin with fellowship and light snacks and discussion begins around 7:00 pm. This year the group will be reading and discussing Hope: A User’s Manual by MaryAnn McKibben Dana. Katie Jackson is the contact person. |
PW Covenant Group |
This group meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 10:30 am in the Church Library (Zoom connection available). They read a variety of books and begin a new book every two or three months Contact person. Jessie Koeppe |
Hooks and Needles |
Hooks and Needles is an opportunity to gather for fellowship while working on prayer shawl ministry projects or personal handwork projects (knitting, crocheting, beading, cross stitch, etc.). Meets weekly, Friday mornings from 10:00 am to 11:30 am in Upper Witherspoon.. Contact person: Janet Clausen |
Poetic Connections |
This small group meets on Zoom One on the second Thursday of each month from 7—8 pm. Some are published poets and some simply enjoy hearing poetry. All are invited. Libby Lizarraga is the contact person. |
Yoga |
Meets the third Thursday of the month in Fellowship Hall. Contact person: Barbara Verdery. |
Crafts |
Meets the first Monday of the month at 6:00 pm in member’s homes. Contact person is Carol VanScyoc. |
Happy Hikers |
The Happy Hikers will be hiking again once the weather cools down a bit. Contact Kristi Button to be added to the email list for the group. |
Young Adult Dinners |
This group is led by Amanda McDonald, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. They meet every other Tuesday at 7:00 PM in Upper Witherspoon. |
Women’s Noon Bible Study | This is a new group that will have its first meeting on October 18, 2024. They plan to meet weekly on Fridays at noon in the Church Library. The discussion will be led by Lorraine Brewer and the contact person for the group is Nancy Cain. |