Fayetteville United Presbyterian Church is a place to connect with others. Most of our events are for everyone in the church — an opportunity for intergenerational connections that can be hard to make in our modern world, as well as for gatherings of people who share interests and experiences.
We hold two worship services each week. We have services at 9:00 am and 11:00 am in the Sanctuary on Sundays with livestream available at 11 am. At 10:00 am on Sunday mornings, we enjoy opportunities for Spiritual Growth for children, youth, and adults.

Serving together is also an important part of our congregational life.

Children at FUPC join in the activities of the church, and also have safe, fun, age-appropriate time together.

As a church, we like to take advantage of the many opportunities Northwest Arkansas offers for enjoying God’s creation. Outdoor adventures range from our annual Church Picnic and games in the park to small group hikes and youth trips.

The campus includes an extensive library, a labyrinth, a playground, and gardens as well as many spaces for large and small groups to gather.
Some of the activities in our congregational life:
- Marriage Group
- Men’s Breakfast
- Men’s Lunch
- Hooks & Needles
- First Fellowship
- Yoga
- Epiphany Group
The church calendar.