Posts Categorized: FUPC

Hygiene Kit Packing

A big thank you to our Outreach and Service Ministry Team who organized a very successful church wide hands-on mission project this past Sunday, September 22, 2024. This is the… Read more »

First School Natural Playground

Excavator working on Natural Playground Site

Work on the First School Natural Playground has begun! The playground is a project that has been in the planning stage for a few years. First School Director Cathy Hairston… Read more »

Kick-off Sunday is September 8!

This Sunday, September 8 is Kick-off Sunday at First United Presbyterian Church (FUPC). At 10:00 am during our Christian Education Hour, everyone will gather in the Gathering Place. We will… Read more »

Psalm 51 – Right There Waiting

The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple. – Psalm 119:130 This past Sunday, Kristi Button, our Director of Christian Education and her husband Rob… Read more »

PW Small Groups

Presbyterian Women of FUPC are excited to announce our fall small group opportunities! All women of the church and their friends are welcome. There are a variety of ways to… Read more »

Psalm 14

Psalm 14

Amanda McDonald preached on Psalm 14 last Sunday. Psalm 14 is a challenging passage. 1 The fool hath said in his heart, “There is no God. They are corrupt, they… Read more »

New Summer Schedule

This Sunday, something new is beginning at First United Presbyterian Church! There will be 9:00 AM Join Amanda, Kristi and Isaac in the Sanctuary for our new worship service, First… Read more »

Circles NWA Video

Circles NWA shared their video of FUPC’s campus — their “New Space”!   Circles will be using the FUPC space beginning July 31st, 2024. Their current cohort of Circles Leaders… Read more »