First United Presbyterian Church

Financial Support

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We treasure and cultivate our connections with Presbyterians across the United States and around the world.

God’s grace is abundant, and it is such a joy to share our many blessings with others! In 2011 FUPC was blessed with an increase in giving, so we were able to support the United Campus Ministry and La Communidad, the Presbytery’s NW Arkansas New Church Development with the Latino community, above and beyond what we’d anticipated.

The budget for 2012 devotes more resources to serve others than our 2011 budget, and the efforts through those funds will be multiplied by the dedication of 10% of the Capital Campaign to mission efforts! When we choose to heed God’s Holy Spirit, and follow Christ by serving others, it is amazing how God’s grace and mercy seems to overflow!

We budgeted $71,440.00 for Outreach in 2011 and increased our commitment for serving to $88,200.00 for 2012. But we may also celebrate what the congregation gave over and above the budget to special offerings! In 2011 FUPC gave the following through special offerings:

Local Ministries and Needs:
CEO $14,810.76
Habitat for Humanity $900.00
Community Meals $1,120.00
Individual Assistance Fund $1,768.45
Disaster Assistance
Joplin Tornado $3,792.50
Japan Tsumani $2.045.00
Presbytery Special Needs
Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center $100.00
Gloryland Choir for Ferncliff $2,389.00
Hispanic Ministry $100.00
Denominational Special Offerings
One Great Hour of Sharing $2,353.71
Pentecost Offering $904.00
Joy Gift Offering $1,780.45
Peacemaking Offering $1,324.00
Total of Special Offerings in 2011 $34.270.34

And that doesn’t include funds raised and donated through the Alternative Market, by our Youth and their efforts, or through the mission projects and programs of Presbyterian Women! What is really exciting is that in 2012 the Outreach Committee will have designated liaisons connecting not only Presbyterian Women but also the Youth even more closely, as well as more non-profit organizations in the community and La Communidad. We’re also designating “teams” to review our financial support and to share information with the congregation in creative ways.

Reaching out and serving others is two-fold: We must commit the time and effort to serve in hands-on ways. But we must also prioritize our financial resources toward the programs and projects that make a positive difference in the lives of those in need. That means that every person, whatever their financial or physical situation, can contribute to our efforts to be Christ’s hands and heart in the world!

There are so many ways to reach out and help others, and sometimes financial support is the best way. Please contact the financial secretary of FUPC, Laura Winburn, at or 442.4411 if you would like to designate a gift to the church.

Actual Giving to Outreach in the Budget (doesn’t include special offerings or gifts):
Year Amount % of Budget
1995 $71,459.96 21%
2000 $82,086.98 14%
2005 $77,945.56 10%
2010 $68,361.69 7.4%
Budgeted Giving to Outreach:
Year Amount % of Budget
2011 $71,440.00 7.6%
2012 $88,200.00 8.4%


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