First United Presbyterian Church

Poinsettias Are Being Delivered This Week

One of our cherished holiday customs at First United Presbyterian Church is taking poinsettias to church members who have had a special joy or need during the year.

These beautiful plants are just one of the many special activities that make up Advent and Christmas in the life of our church family.

Please watch your mail for cards and listen for phone calls from elders and deacons who will be making the plant deliveries. Delivery times will be arranged ahead. The plants will come to your doorsteps. Masks will be worn and, this year, the “visits” will be a “hello” and a “hug” from our cars only.  We know that everyone is trying to stay safe.

Office hours are 8 am – 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or arrangements can be made through the deacons for other times.


If you would like to give a monetary donation in any amount for this year’s poinsettias in memory or honor of loved, please contact the Church Office. Names will be published in the Weekend Update on December 23.

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