First United Presbyterian Church

Indoor Worship Survey

The Worship Ministry Team is surveying the congregation on your thoughts about returning to worship in the sanctuary. Your responses will inform the decisions of Session, which will be based on federal and state guidelines, established health and safety determinations, and medical advice. We hope you will take a few minutes to let us hear from you.

Below are the main guidelines from the FUPC COVID-19 Response Policy approved by our Session:

  • Face coverings are required by all worshipers, with pre-kindergarten children wearing masks at the discretion of their parent(s).  The person leading worship is exempt from wearing a mask while speaking or singing.
  • Social distancing of 6’ will be maintained (except family members) with worship leaders and musicians distancing 16’ from worshipers.
  • Entrances will be one-way and limited in number.
  • Worshipers will be screened prior to entering the sanctuary.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrances.
  • Childcare, children’s worship packets, hymn books, friendship pads, etc. will not be available.
  • Christian care will be expressed in ways that do not involve hugs, handshakes, or other physical contact.

If you would prefer to print and mail in your form, please click here.

Please respond as a family unit.

Indoor Worship Survey

Indoor Worship Survey

1. To what degree do the following affect your decision about returning to the sanctuary for Sunday worship? (Rate 1-10 with 10 meaning this would make me more inclined to attend.)
Please mark the service(s) to which your #1 answers apply: *
Please mark the service(s) to which your #2 answer applies: *
5. How do these further affect your decision about coming to worship on Christmas Eve? (Rate 1-10 with 10 meaning this would make me more inclined to attend.)

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