First United Presbyterian Church

Grow Spiritually

As part of our Course to 2030, FUPC has identified five essential pathways to the goal of a vibrant, health church. As individuals, we want to grow spiritually. As a community, we want to support one another in that growth.

In Sunday’s sermon, Pastor Phil Butin shared practical ways to deepen our faith and to grow spiritually.

Consider establishing a regular daily time for prayer and Bible study.

Choose a specific time of day, or build it into a habit stack. If you already have a daily habit — from driving to work to taking a lunch break to your getting ready for bed ritual — you can add this to that daily habit.

Join in corporate worship every week, whether in person here at FUPC or at our YouTube channel. This weekly discipline can bring you into a closer relationship with God and with your church family as well.

You might want to add a spiritual growth experience to your week with Sunday school or discussion group. FUPC is starting a new adult class next Sunday, June 19, 2022, using the book Difficult Words of Jesus. This book examines six of the most challenging sayings of Jesus. Meeting for thoughtful discussion with other Christians is a good way to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and to build relationships.

Building relationships

The sermon goes on to suggest practical ways to develop better — more righteous — relationships with other people, too.

Serving others is an important way to grow spiritually. This pathway is open to everyone, at every age. Every member of the body of Christ has gifts and talents to share, and we all can help one another in many ways.

Elder Leigh Woodruff spoke in a recent Session meeting about making outreach “more connectional.” Our outreach ministry allows us all to be part of something bigger than ourselves. It also leads to spiritual growth and stronger relationships with God and with one another.

How will you grow spiritually? How will you lovingly support others in their spiritual growth?

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