Fayetteville United Presbyterian Church has a beautiful, user-friendly new website!
The address has not change. You can visit www.FUPCFay.org as always, and you will automatically be taken to the new website.
Once you arrive, you’ll notice a lot of differences. The church website had not been updated in a decade, so there are plenty of changes!

The new website is easy to navigate, with all the main actions visitors want to take at the top of the screen.
You can Explore different opportunities and information, learning about the church staff, the central beliefs of Presbyterians, and the upcoming events. You can Worship, with easy links to our streaming services, and information about the 8:20 safe on-campus services.
You can Connect, meeting the Youth and Children’s ministries as well as many other important parts of our church family’s life. You can Serve, learning about the many opportunities for service the church is involved in.
You can Give, donating either directly to the church’s accounting system or by PayPal. You can set up recurring donations, choose special offerings, and find out all about FUPC’s stewardship efforts.
Finally, you can Contact the church easily, even at this difficult time.
More opportunities
In addition to these main navigation choices, many pages have a grid of photos leading to more interesting places in the website. These grids are easily controlled by church staff, so you’ll find that they often change. You’ll want to come back to the website often to see what’s new!
We hope you’ll enjoy the new website and use it to stay connected with your church family.