First United Presbyterian Church

Advent Service Opportunities

Keep checking back to this page as we update it with more information and new service opportunities!

Christmas is a time of year when many Christians feel an especially strong call to service. As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, we are encouraged to re-new our commitment to being Christ’s hands and feet.

Though this Advent season is a strange one, First United Presbyterian Church is still committed to service! Check out some of the ways our congregation is serving the community (and each other) this holiday season.

The “Alternative, Alternative Market” | December 3 – 25

Members and friends of FUPC may remember that every Christmas season we fill up our Fellowship Hall with an “Alternative Market.” This event is special to many, as it provides the opportunity to support worthy organizations during the Christmas season. Unfortunately, we are not able to host our traditional Alternative Market this year due to precautions around the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, please visit our online “Alternative, Alternative Market!

Poinsettia Delivery | December 1 – 6

The Deacons of FUPC are continuing our annual tradition of delivering poinsettias to those who have been named on our Intercessory Prayer List this year. Delivery times are arranged ahead of time and will be totally contactless. The plants will be delivered to doorsteps only, and masks will be worn. Elders and deacons will be able to receive plants from the church for delivery beginning on Tuesday, December 1. We are asking that all poinsettias be in homes by Sunday, December 6.

Food Angels | November 29 – December 25

This year we have a new opportunity for celebration and service. Near the church’s Nativity scene we will have Food Angels – boxes where people can drop off canned goods for the community. You are encouraged to leave canned foods on the Food Angels’ shelves, which will be taken to Cooperative Emergency Outreach regularly throughout December. Canned fruits, chunky soups, pinto beans, and pork and beans are the most requested items, though all canned items are appreciated.

PW Hat and Mitten Tree | November 28 – December 28

Presbyterian Women are collecting hats, mittens, and socks for the Fayetteville Public School students in need. A donation box will be near the church office door from Nov 28-Dec 28. All sizes needed. Please call Kate Jackson with any questions: (479) 879-1849.

Sign Up for 2021 Community Meals Slots

Another semester brings another list of Community Meals that our church family is going to provide at Trinity United Methodist Church or at 7-Hills Day Center. Currently we are working in a “contactless delivery” system, so we are not serving the meals as normal. Groups who sign up to cover a meal simply plan, cook, and deliver the food. To sign up for a slot, visit

Christmas Offerings 

Joy Gift | On the last Sunday in Advent (December 20) we encourage you to contribute a “Joy Gift” as part of the PC(USA) collection. This collection ensures education for minority populations and gives additional support to retired pastors who earned smaller salaries. Consider giving HERE.

Individual Assistance Fund | FUPC takes offerings to the Individual Assistance Fund all year long. On Christmas Eve, we have a congregational tradition of taking a special offering for the IAF. This fund provides emergency financial assistance in 2021 for church and community members who need extra support. You can give online through our donations page.

Poinsettias for the Sanctuary | If you would like to offer a monetary gives towards the Flower Fund in memory or honor of a loved one, please contact the Church Office. These funds are used for Poinsettias in the Sanctuary. Names will be listed in the Weekend Update on 12.23.20.




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