First United Presbyterian Church

Spiritual Gifts Assessment

Please complete this spiritual gifts assessment if you have not completed it in the past. It is designed to help identify how you might best serve the church in the coming years. This is a helpful tool to help you discover your God-given spiritual gifts and will help you lead a more fulfilling Christian life. The pastors and staff will use the results to find opportunities for you to serve that highlight your gifts.

Stewardship Time and Talent Survey 2022/23
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Spiritual Gifts Assessment Statements

Rate yourself from 1-3. (1 being least like yourself and 3 being most accurately describes you)
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Please take a moment to read more about how to use your gifts below!

Administration – Did you know that Paul lists “those with gifts for administration” (1 Cor 12:28) among the spiritually gifted? If you scored high on administration, you’re probably very good at organizing and implementing new programs or running older ones. A good administrator can be as important to a church as a good pastor.

Opportunities for using the gift of administration: Help organize special events such as the Alternative Market, Vacation Bible School, stewardship campaigns, seasonal fellowship activities, and presbytery meetings.

Elder – If you score high on this gift, it means you possess leadership qualities for helping a church, a ministry or disciple reach their full potential. This quality might be spiritual depth or a strong administrative skill set.

Opportunities for using the gift of elder: The congregational nominating committee invites and nominates those who serve as elders.

Craftsmanship – You are probably very good with your hands and have an artistic quality. You can serve the church by making things that will bless and encourage others.

Opportunities for using the gift of craftmanship: Building or repairing furniture, creating decorations for VBS, donating or arranging flowers for the sanctuary, creating banners, setting up props for theatrical presentations, helping with costumes, set, or props for Celebration of the Manger, or participating in the prayer shawl ministry.

Discernment – The Christian life is continual discernment, meaning that we must regularly be in prayer to discover God’s intention for our lives. Discerners are strong in seeing God’s intention for themselves and others.

Opportunities for using the gift of discernment: Serving on the planning ministry, Stephen ministry, nominating committee member.

Encouragement – People with the gift of encouragement are good at helping others recognize and use their own gifts and/or persevere during difficult times. Encouragers naturally make others feel seen, valued, and cared for – whether it is a seemingly off-hand compliment, kind words during an illness or set-back, or expression of confidence in another’s ability to achieve a goal.

Opportunities for using the gift of encouragement: – Serving as a deacon or Stephen’s Minister.

Evangelism – If talking about God or Christ to others comes naturally, you probably have the gift of evangelism. It’s people like you who help grow churches. Don’t let this talent lie dormant.

Opportunities for using the gift of evangelism: Volunteering to preach or pray during worship, serving on the welcoming ministry or belonging ministry.

Faith – The heart of faith is trust. Those with this gift are able to see God’s good gifts and trust God to work in and through our church. This gift is invaluable in situations when we remove our personal focus from God and focus instead on our limitations. You can use it in a similar way for the broader church.

Opportunities for using the gift of faith: Serving as a Deacon or Stephen minister, serving on the planning ministry, participating in the prayer group, or praying regularly for the needs of our church.

Giving – Those with the gift of giving joyfully share an extraordinary proportion of their time, energy, and resources to further the work of the Lord.

Opportunities for using the gift of giving: Continue to give your time, energy and resources, if you are comfortable talking to others about giving consider helping with the stewardship ministry, or with our legacy giving emphasis.

Healing – If people seek you out when they are troubled or ill, or family members tell you their loved on seems happier or improved after your visits, it is likely you have the gift of healing.

Opportunities for using the gift of healing: Serving as a deacon, visiting those who need healing.

Helping – Helpers are doers. If someone is in need, they jump in. You will find them on mission trips and in hospitals. Helpers find spiritual fulfillment in lending a hand.

Opportunities for using the gift of helping: Serving as a deacon or Stephen minister, serving on the outreach ministry Canopy team, volunteering for CEO, or community meals.

Hospitality – You have the gift of making people feel welcome and at ease. You might use this within the church family to host gatherings in your home, or outside the church family to make visitors feel welcome when they come to church. Since many people come to church when they are struggling, this is an exceptionally important job.

Opportunities for using the gift of hospitality: Serving on the welcoming, belonging or fellowship ministries, or as an usher or greeter (we need people of various ages and both men and women!).

Knowledge – Knowledge as a spiritual gift refers to an ease of learning about scripture or theology as well as to the spiritual knowledge that comes from “knowing” God in a truly personal way. People grounded in their faith and can help others be grounded as well.

Opportunities for using the gift of knowledge: teaching a spiritual growth class, or confirmation class, preaching or leading prayers during worship.

Leadership – People tend to turn toward you and trust you with the future of the church or significant projects.

Opportunities for using the gift of leadership: Session or planning ministry.

Compassion – You can easily empathize with others. You not only recognize what someone is going through, but you can often feel what they feel as well. This gift helps others feel valued and cared for.

Opportunities for using the gift of compassion: Deacon or Stephen minister, visiting people going through difficulties, preparing meals for food insecure persons.

Music – These are the folks that sing in the choir, play instruments in worship, and organize caroling during the holidays. Music has an extraordinary capacity to move people closer to God.

Opportunities for using the gift of music: chancel choir, worship band, bell choir

Technology – You are comfortable with technology. Your role is to help those who are not and to help the church adapt and capitalize on using technology.

Opportunities for using the gift of technology: Church office support, audio-visual assistance, communications ministry.

Service – Closely related to helping, servers are the ones who like to work behind the scenes to make sure things get taken care of. How does this differ from the gift of helping? The helpers usually respond to working with someone or helping a person. The servants tend to work with or on things.

Opportunities for using the gift of service: Serve on the properties ministry, volunteer on campus clean-up days, help with mailings, volunteer for community meals.

Pastoring – Pastors are shepherds; they like to watch out for people and help them when they can. They nurture people toward greater spiritual maturity and help them in their relationship to God.

Opportunities for using the gift of pastoring: Serve as an elder or deacon, serve a small PCUSA congregation in a pastoral role as a commissioned ruling elder.

Teaching – Teachers are excited by ideas and insights and love to share them with others so that everyone might see more clearly.

Opportunities to use the gift of teaching: Volunteer to teach a spiritual growth class, help with Vacation Bible School, or lead a Bible study

Wisdom – People with wisdom are the ones others naturally turn to when they’re not sure what to do. This spiritual gift, often related to discernment, helps others by seeing clearly in situations where others are often too close to see with any perspective.

Opportunities to use the gift of wisdom: planning ministry, elder.

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